Sunday, December 1, 2013

The End of NaNoWriMo

Today is December first, and that means National Novel Writing Month is over! I hope you all had a good time writing this past November. Actually, I achieved my word count, 30,500 words on the 29th, a day early! I am not quite finished with my novel, but when I am, I will go into revision and editing. Then maybe it will get published! After the 30th, I've created a list of things to do about your novel.

1. Take a break. You have been writing solid for thirty days, and you must be exhausted. Go see a movie, stuff yourself with candy, or sleep for three days straight.

2. If you haven't finished your novel, go back and write until it's finished! You should always finish your work! It'll boost your self esteem. Plus, It will make the next step a whole lot easier.

3. Revise, Revise, Revise! Make sure your ideas make sense and your novel is interesting. Your parents or friends can help you!

4. Edit. Get rid of those nasty typos and punctuation errors.

5. After all of this, if you want to, publish your book. There are a lot of self publishing websites on the web. If you are comfortable, find one, and publish it!

6. Take another big break! Sleep for another two weeks. It will do you good.

You may have heard these before, but they are important!

Happy Writing!

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