Saturday, September 7, 2013


As you know, school is starting for kids and teens. A lot of kids are excited to go to school and eager to meet new people. But still, a lot of kids aren't excited or are nervous. I am going to provide some tips and suggestions that may help you get organized and ready to start or continue.

-Set a time to wake up and go to bed. Soon you'll get used to it, and if you don't, you can buy an alarm clock. It'll help you get up.
-Organize everything. Your desk at home and school. Your backpack. Even your lunch box! School will be a lot easier if you do this. Not saying that you have to, but it might help.
-In movies or books, they make the characters think that studying is everything. The truth is, I really don't think it's as important as having time to relax. Sure, you may need to do homework, but you should schedule maybe a couple 5 minute breaks or something that will give you a time to relax. Maybe schedule a day of meditation. 

You might've heard these before, but I think it is still important to tell you them. Have a safe and fun school year!

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